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A Detached Arm and Other Alarming Events

September 27, 2010

The trouble began when the new guy arrived. Where did he come from? What was HR thinking when they hired him? Why was he wearing a mask and carrying a fire extinguisher everywhere he went? No one had the answers. All we knew for sure was that his pants were way too tight.

Then, a day after New Guy arrived, shocking events unfolded. Are you ready for this? An arm was found in the breakroom. An arm that looked suspiciously like Bob’s… and Bob was nowhere to be found.

Naturally, detectives arrived to question employees and examine the detached arm.

Meanwhile, unbeknownst to this crew, Bob was in his cubicle experiencing extreme pain. So extreme. His arm was indeed gone, and he began to hallucinate.

In yet another corner of the office, Hot Mailroom Guy paused to think about the strange morning. How could a co-worker have lost an arm? Little did he know the answer was literally coming to him…

Back in the breakroom, the detectives were gone and employees began to mourn Bob’s demise. The only upside: They got to finish off his donuts. Also, they found a use for his arm.

Things weren’t as calm in the mailroom, where the lion prepared to relish an afternoon snack. But wait! New Guy darted in, holding Bob, and ran over to save Hot Mailroom Guy.

Perhaps we shouldn’t have been so quick to judge this guy. But seriously, why the ultra tight pants??

Later, things got a little awkward when Bob returned to his cubicle.

As for The New Guy, he departed as mysteriously as he arrived…

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